Real Time Drill Analysis

Real Time Observation Entry
Through using Microsoft Forms, exercise observations can be collected and analyzed in real time. There are recommended formats for the data elements, but they can also be customized for any event.
In advance of the event, key fields will be identified and a secure observation form created. This form is accessible to enter information by anyone with a link. However, the data from the combined observations is stored securely. Printable poster files will be sent out for distribution to drill participants during the event.
Observations Immediately Processed in Microsoft PowerBI
Microsoft PowerBI has been leveraged to create a real time dashboard view for exercise staff to review incoming trends during the drill or exercise. At any time, staff can immediately review the current findings and highlighted key areas on their phone as well as computer.
After the event, the analysts will refine the data set and provide a final, secure, interactive report in Microsoft Power BI that can be used for supporting After Action Review (AAR) writing. If desired, the analyst can also compose the AAR in any requested format.

Expert Analyst Support
(Virtual & In-Person)

An experienced exercise analyst will review the incoming observations for accuracy and completeness. They also will ensure that they are correctly categorized in the system. If notable issues arise, they will flag the observation(s) and contact exercise control staff to alert them. For example, if incoming observations indicate that all participants are not using their job aids, and one of the drill objectives was to evaluate job aids, this would be flagged. The analyst could then notify exercise staff so corrective measures can be made real time and the training objective is not lost.
Additionally, analysts will send highlights of key trends to exercise staff to be of further aid.
Finally, analysts are available to support preparing for the hotwash as well as contribute actively during the discussions (if desired).