RES Team
Apr 29, 2024
RES showcases innovative Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Planning Tools at the 2024 NREP Conference, featuring RadTeamSim.Route & Flight, and CBRNResponder
Radiation Emergency Services participated both in the NREP conference sessions and the vendor booths this year. On Monday, April 29th, RES partnered with the ROSS (Radiological Operations Support Specialists) Program and Chainbridge Technologies (CBRNResponder) for a full-day workshop on New Concepts for Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Planning Training. The workshop ran through three phases of the nuclear power plant release emergency – the plume phase, the ingestion pathway phase and the recovery phase. The plume and ingestion pathway phases used CBRNResponder and the RadTeamSim.Route tool to show how training can be done more often and with more depth, but with less cost and less time.