Featured Demonstrations and Events
Radiation Emergency Services, in partner shop with CBRNResponder (RadResponder) and the ROSS program, has participated for the past two years in the planning and execution of workshops and dills at the National Radiological Preparedness Conference (NREP), the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD), and The American Academy of Health Physics (AAHP) conference. In each event, a radiological disaster scenario was created for participants to play various emergency response roles. The events enabled demonstration of and practice with the recently released simulation capability in CBRNResponder (RadResponder) as well as opportunities to drive in RadTeamSim.Route with the same associated radiation readings and roads as provided for CBRNResponder. In 2023, we also were featured in an article from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

The responder tracks shown above from CBRNResponder users were all created using the route report exports from RadTeamSim.Route during the CRCPD 2023 conference. No attendee physically left the room; however typical monitoring activities occurred from field teams that navigated through the region using RadTeamSim.Route.

2022 National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference (NREP)
NREP 2022 was the first time that RadTeamSim.Route was showcased to the user community at large. At this conference, nearly 100 attendees participated in a drill. There were physical cars as well as simulated vehicles using RadTeamSim.Route all simultaneously collecting radiation readings to support operational awareness.

2022 Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD)
At the CRCPD annual meeting, RadTeamSim.Route simulation was leveraged to drive on the physical roads necessary to obtain the radiation readings along the transect line of a simulated RDD. Once at each location, the attendee would then use simulation on the CBRNResponder mobile application to collect various survey types.
I/ITSEC 2022
We spent a week showcasing RadTeamSim.Route at I/ITSEC 2022 using a nuclear detonation scenario. Attendees from around the globe were able to try out the simulation and compete for the lowest total dose on the Dangerous Radiation Zone challenge that we conducted throughout the week!